
1Step Magic SYBR Kit


1Step Magic SYBR Kit is a convenient one-step solution for the quantitative analysis of RNA.



1Step Magic SYBR Kit is a one-step solution for the quantitative analysis of RNA. The 2X qPCR mastermix contains all components necessary for a qPCR experiment: Hotstart DNA polymerase, dNTPs (with a blend of dTTP and dUTP to allow for the digestion with UNG), SYBR® Green and a passive reference dye, all supplied in a reaction buffer optimized for selective amplification of target sequences. For the conversion of RNA to cDNA before the amplification, VitaScript™ Reverse Transcriptase is provided as a 50X solution.
The 1Step formulation is a convenient solution as handling steps and hands-on time are reduced. Thereby, reproducibility and throughput are increased.


  • Quantitative PCR
  • Realtime PCR
  • Genexpression Analysis
  • High-throughput applications


Additional information

Download the MSDS here

Download the IFU here


PolymeraseTaq DNA Polymerase
Hot Startyes
DetectionSYBR Green
Reaction SpeedFast / Standard
Product Size200 / 600 reactions à 20 µl
Normalizationuniversal ROX™ concentration
Sample typeRNA
Reaction Format 2X Mastermix, 50X VitaScript™ separately
Shipping Condition Approved for shipment on wet or dry ice
Storage-15°C to -25°C