The Nuclefy Genomic DNA Purification Kit is designed for rapid and reliable sample lysis, RNA removal and purification of intact genomic DNA (gDNA) from a variety of biological sample types. The protocol utilizes specifically formulated buffer systems allowing to process blood, tissues, and cultured cells. Supplemental protocols allow to process clinically-relevant samples such as saliva and buccal swabs, as well as bacteria, yeast and insects. In addition, it can also be used for classic gDNA cleanup.
The purified gDNA has high quality metrics, including A260/280 > 1.8 and A260/230 > 2.0, high DIN scores and minimal residual RNA. The purified gDNA is suitable for numerous downstream applications such as qPCR, end-point PCR, SNP analysis, genotyping, microarray analysis and library preparation for next generation sequencing.
Nuclefy Genomic DNA Purification Kit contains material and reagents for 150 isolations.