SphaeraMag® Genomic DNA Hair Purification Kit – Pre-filled Mini


Magnetic Bead-based Genomic DNA Hair Purification Kit suitable for automated setups.

Artikelnummer: PCCSKU16097 Kategorien: ,


The SphaeraMag® Genomic DNA Hair Purification Kit is designed for rapid and reliable isolation of genomic DNA from hair samples. Samples are digested and lysed in specially formulated buffer to release the nucleic acids which are then bound to the surface of paramagnetic beads. Proteins and cellular debris are removed by washing of the beads.

The genomic DNA is eluted in the provided Elution buffer and is suitable for numerous downstream applications such as qPCR, end-point PCR, SNP analysis, genotyping, microarray analysis and library preparation for NGS sequencing.


SphaeraMag® Genomic DNA Hair Purification Kit – Pre-filled Mini contains material and reagents for 48 isolations. The Kit is suitable for manual isolation or the use of automated systems such as: Auto-Pure Mini.

Download the manual here