HotStart Antibody


For convenience, 5 U/μl Taq polymerase can be mixed with an equal volume of HotStart antibody, aliquoted and stored at -20°C until further use.

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Artikelnummer: n. v. Kategorie: Schlagwörter: , , , ,


HotStart Antibody is a highly pure antibody that binds to Taq DNA Polymerase and thereby blocks its polymerase activity. At the very beginning of the thermal cycling protocol, the antibody is inactivated and with this “Hot Start”, Taq DNA Polymerase regains its function. This highly controlled reaction start prevents non-specific amplification and grants maximum control over the reaction conditions.


TargetTaq DNA Polymerase
Concentration5 U/µl
Storage-15°C to -25°C

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